YMC Europe
Ultra Fast LC Columns
YMC Pack ProFamily chemistries, based on ultra high purity silica,
provide excellent resolution for a wide range of analytes -
YMC-UltraHT LC Columns provide considerable time saving without
resort to ultra high pressures -
YMC-UltraHT LC Columns achieve ultra fast separations even with
conventional HPLC equipment Fully up- and down-scalable selectivity
YMC-UltraHT Pro C18 Since the introduction of the ProFamily series of phases, YMC-Pack Pro C18 has proved to be one of the fi rst choices for a wide range of HPLC applications in pharmaceutical and biotechnological research and production, where effi ciency and reliability are a major demand. YMC has transferred these outstanding qualities to Ultra Fast LC with the introduction of YMC-UltraHT Pro C18.
YMC-UltraHT Hydrosphere C18 In many cases, the separation of highly polar compounds requires highly aqueous mobile phase conditions to achieve suffi cient retention on the stationary phase. Conventional reversed phase selectivities do not give reproducible results under these conditions due to mainly collapse of the C18 chains. Therefore, YMC did developed Hydrosphere C18 in order of to overcome the loss in retention. Now, this outstanding chromatographic behaviour has been transferred to YMC-UltraHT Hydrosphere C18.